other stuff

What makes building digital hardware so hard?

less than 1 minute read

What makes building digital hardware so hard? This question has many answers, and some of them I'll try to answer soon at FOSDEM 2016! Two years ago I presen...

Does /tmp have a split personality?

1 minute read

Today I had my first real encounter with the new Linux world, with namespaces, cgroups and systemd. As it turns out, old wisdoms like "an absolute file path ...

On Reviewing Technology

less than 1 minute read

Within the whole Debian init system debate, within all the heat and personal attacks, Russ Allbery managed to publish a couple calm and insightful posts very...


less than 1 minute read

As for some years now I'll be at FOSDEM in Brussels this weekend. But this time is special, I'll give a talk about the project I'm working on most of the tim...

S/MIME und EGVP unter openSUSE

3 minute read

Ich hatte letztens die Freude bei einem Anwalt eine Signaturkarte für die Verwendung zur E-Mail Signierung mittels S/MIME sowie zur Nutzung des Elektronische...

Firefox OS for Raspberry Pi: Now Available

1 minute read

UPDATE: This was a project done in 2013, and since then I didn't find enough time to continue it. Please look at the recent Mozilla effort to bring Firefox O...

Contribute to openSUSE: Update a package

2 minute read

I'm sure many openSUSE users have already heard about the goodness of the openSUSE Build Service (OBS). But how many have already tried to use it as develope...

See you at FOSDEM

less than 1 minute read

If you want to know more how to use XForms and XULRunner for application development and how the Mozilla Rapid Release Cycle has affected the development of ...

Skype, KDE4, OpenSUSE 11.3 and PulseAudio

1 minute read

This combination seems to be a bit hard for openSUSE. While PulseAudio solves many problems Linux users have with audio (and creates others), openSUSE seems ...

Majordomo Web API

less than 1 minute read

Did you ever want to sync your Majordomo mailing list with another address database? Or make it easy for users to unsubscribe using a web interface? Then you...

Note to myself: NFS4 is not yet ready

less than 1 minute read

I have several PCs mounting its home directory as well as other data directories from a NFS server. Until now I was using good (?) old NFSv3. Today I tried a...

XForms for Firefox 3.6

less than 1 minute read

Firefox 3.6 will be released today, Januar 21st. Unfortunately the XForms extension for this version is not yet ready. We're planning an official release for...

MDC go, go, go!

less than 1 minute read

Yeah, documentation in an unstable wiki is great. I wonder if MDC uses HTTPS only to make it even slower ...

Speiseplan Studentenwerk München als RSS

less than 1 minute read

Damit alle, die kein KDE4 benutzen (oder sich noch nicht von Ubuntu trennen können), dennoch in Genuss des Mensa-Speiseplans bekommen, habe ich die RSS-Feeds...

New version of the Cafeteria plasmoid

less than 1 minute read

The semester starts again and I took the chance to get back to the cafeteria plasmoid and fix some old issues. Changes include: Fix the cmake build files to...

Copy files with dd and netcat

1 minute read

Today I had to copy several LVM partitions to another machine. The first tools I thought of were dd and netcat (nc), the swiss army knife for every sysadmin....

Introducing libspeechmike

2 minute read

I recently got a Philips Speechmike device. It seems Philips has a Linux SDK for it, but I was unable to obtain it. I thought it wouldn't be impossible to wr...

Speeding up Gallery2

1 minute read

I have been using Gallery2 for my private picture collection for quite some time. It's a great piece of software that shows how to write PHP code. Unfortunat...

What’s for lunch?

2 minute read

If you're working in a company or go to university or college, that's probably close to the most important question of the day. Wouldn't it be great to have ...

Anonymize FO files

less than 1 minute read

Some time ago I had the need to post a customer's XSL-FO file to a mailing list. The problem was: how to strip all the content out of the file without destro...


less than 1 minute read

Welcome at my new blog! I finally got around to re-organize all my web content and install this nice blog. Let's see how many entries it will get over time. ...